Dopamine Dressing: What It Is and How To Style It

Dopamine Dressing: What It Is and How To Style It

"Dopamine Dressing" is one of the key fashion trends of 2022! This trend is all about making a statement, and the team at Outshine Labels is obsessed! Predicted by Pinterest, Dopamine Dressing is all about dressing loud as possible in vibrant colors. 


Dopamine Dressing Explained

So what is Dopamine Dressing, anyway? Dopamine Dressing is all about dressing loud in colorful palettes. According to Pinterest, it's a fashion trend that will be popular in 2022.

This trend is all about being unique and different; look for clothes that 'spark joy' and curate a wardrobe you genuinely are happy wearing. The color palette of this trend typically consists of bright, attention-grabbing colors. 


Why You Need It

Don't worry if you need a little more motivation to jump on the Dopamine Dressing bandwagon. 

Here are three reasons to get in on this trend!

  1. Colors can affect your mood, and even some hues can increase certain chemicals in your brain! Did you know that looking at shades of yellow releases serotonin?! That's the feel-good hormone released when you do things that make you happy.  
  2. Dopamine Dressing the Outshine Labels way is about dressing loud to advocate even louder! We're using our voice to uplift and advocate for the disability community. 
  3. You are what you ... wear. We've established that colors can elicit emotions and affect your mood, which also extends to the people around you. Dopamine Dressing is a great way to use the psychology of color theory to your advantage and dress how you want people to perceive you. 


How To Wear The Trend

Dopamine dressing is super easy, and you don't have to overhaul your wardrobe. If you tend to shy away from bold colors, start with baby steps and add a pop of color to your everyday style. Compliment what you already have with bright accessories, or opt for a vibrant top to pair with dark bottoms. 

If you're ready to dive right into the trend, you can curate outfits using the color wheel. You might remember from art class that there are different color combinations, such as complimentary, monochrome, analogous, triadic, etc. Use the color wheel to put your outfit together, and you'll find you've eliminated the stress of choosing a palette that will 'go' together.  


Monochromatic colors

Monochrome doesn't always mean black and white. A monochrome palette uses one hue at varying shades and tints to create a cohesive look. To rock this color scheme, choose one color you want to wear and make sure you vary the shades for dimension. 

Adding a pop of color to an outfit is an easy way to incorporate more color into your looks. Choose accessories of the same color to tie everything together. 


Be Kind Adult Unisex Tee

Complimentary colors

A complementary color scheme consisting of two colors on the color wheel at the opposite ends, contrasting each other. Complimentary colors will create the greatest contrast and make both colors pop. 


One Day At A Time Shirt Adult Unisex Tee White

Analogous colors

An analogous color scheme is a step beyond monochrome, and it incorporates hues adjacent to your hero color. This creates a cohesive and consistent color palette. 

 Be Kind To All Kinds Adult Unisex Tee White

Triadic colors

A triadic color scheme forms a triangle on the color wheel with an equal distance of colors between each of the three hues. This formation creates a harmonious color scheme with a much more vibrant feel. 

 Never The Less Adult Unisex Tee White

In 2022, we're all about living meaningful lives, and 'Dopamine Dressing' is another way to incorporate a little more joy in our lives. Make 'Dopamine Dressing' your own by adding pops of color to your wardrobe. Use color theory to your advantage and use the color wheel to create effortlessly cohesive looks.

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